Brownsville South

  • Neighborhood

    Brownsville, Brooklyn
  • Use

    Affordable Housing
  • Clients

    • Alembic Community Development
    • JMR Development Group
  • Status

    In Progress
  • Budget

  • Size

    3 Buildings, 42 Units


The Brownsville South cluster of sites form a threshold in the urban fabric between industrial uses to the south and predominantly residential uses to the north, near the edge of the city’s Transit Zone, and at the edge of low-lying areas that are at higher risk of coastal flooding. While each of the sites is relatively small, they collectively define a larger area and represent an opportunity to seed a new type of resilient urban development in the area. 

609 Osborn - Active Design & Passive House for Families

47 New Lots - Passive House + Net Zero with Commercial Use

95 New Lots - Passive House + Community Garden

The three buildings are designed to both be seen as individual entities and to be seen as a connected whole. 

All three building facades share a similar patterning of fenestration and façade rhythm though the materials are different for each. Each building has a different massing unique to its site conditions, yet when seen along the whole street frontage of New Lots Avenue, the buildings gradually increase in height from 3 stories at 609 Osborn to 4 stories at 47 New Lots, to 5 stories at 95 New Lots getting higher and denser closer to the train line. The colors of each building are also different, yet again across the New Lots Street frontage there is a gradation of color from brighter and lighter tones to darker and more saturated hues.